Ambulance visit for the Year 3’s

Ambulance Visit For The Year 3'S 1

Who helps our community when we need it?

The Volunteer Paramedics Stuart, Steve and Peta from Dunsborough brought our learning to life this week with a visit to our Year 3’s. Our young Inquirers had the opportunity to learn when someone might need an Ambulance, how to contact emergency services, and what to expect if they call 000. 

We toured the Ambulance and ask lots or questions about the different tools and equipment we could see. We found out that there are many types of medical kits in different colours to help the paramedics to easily identify what equipment is in each kit. We also worked alongside the paramedics, following directions to demonstrate the 3 different types of equipment they use to transport patients from the incident location to the stretcher and then into the Ambulance.

We now know that it is important to move out of the way of an ambulance when they have their lights and siren going. Thank you to Stuart, Steve and Peta for teaching us about what Paramedics do and how they use Ambulances to help make our community safe.