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VPS Faction Sports Carnival Day

This event is always a highlight of the year for students, staff, and the whole school community. Approx Times 9 am Opening Parade 9:15 am Year 1 to 3 - [...]

West Coast Eagle players Visit

Years 3 - 5 students are invited to meet some West Coast Eagle players who will be visiting our school from 1:30pm - 2:15pm

Waterslide Week begins

Dear Parents/Guardians As part of the Vasse Primary Physical Education program, all students will participate in the Waterslide ‘Fun’ event to complete the year. Please Note: Classes are moving today [...]

Interm Swimming (Yr 4-6) commences – week 1 of 2

The following note and forms will be sent home with your child on Wednesday 31st February 2024. Please complete swimming and medical form and return to your Classroom teacher by Friday 2 February 2024. In-Term swimming lessons continue to be part of the Vasse Primary Physical Education program in 2023. Our Year 3, 4, 5 [...]

Interm Swimming (Yr 4-6) commences – week 2 of 2

*Students will need to bring a towel, bathers, rashie top, hat, sunscreen and a plastic bag for wet clothes on the bus. Extra snacks in their lunch box on swimming days is suggested - swimming seems to make them extra hungry :) Session 1 group classes will leave by bus at 9:05am. All other groups [...]

Year 6 Interschool Summer Carnival

The Summer Carnival is part of the Physical Education regional Interschool Carnival program. They will experience joining in a community sporting event using the knowledge and movement skills of their chosen games. Vasse PS Year 6 Students will be competing in: Volleyball – Busselton Beachfront Tee-Ball – Lou Weston Oval Basketball – Lou Weston Oval [...]

Interschool Winter Carnival

The Interschool Winter Carnival is part of the Physical Education program. Students will participate in a sport of their choice. Students will assemble at school and depart for their venue at 9 am. Uniform: VPS Black & White Polo, Hat, appropriate footwear for the sport. Students must bring their own morning tea, lunch, water bottle [...]

Interm Swimming Group 1 (PP – Yr 3) – Week 1 of 2

Week 1 of the 2-week Interm Swimming Program PP - Year 3 Students will travel by bus (leaving 20 mins before lesson start) to the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) for Interm Swimming Lessons (40 mins). Session Times Session Time  Room  Room 1 10.15 – 10:55 am 2 11.00 –11.40 am  Room 25 Room 19 3 [...]

Interm Swimming Group 1 (PP – Yr 3) – Week 2 of 2

Week 1 of the 2-week Interm Swimming Program PP - Year 3 Students will travel by bus (leaving 20 mins before lesson start) to the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) for Interm Swimming Lessons (40 mins). Session Times Session Time  Room  Room 1 10.15 – 10:55 am 2 11.00 –11.40 am  Room 25 Room 19 3 [...]

VPS Faction Cross Country Yr 1 – Yr 6

Students from Years 1 to 6 will compete in the VPS Cross Country event. The top 5 runners from Year 3 to 6 will compete in the 2024 Interschool Cross [...]