What is a P&C?

The Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association of a school is an associated incorporation under The Associations Incorporation Act 1987.

Its purpose is to promote the interests of the school through co-operation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community; to assist in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school; and to foster community interest in educational matters.

The P&C provides parents with opportunities to meet together to determine the needs and aspirations of the school community; share information and views; learn about, help shape school policies and programs; and help raise funds to provide extra resources.

P&C Office Bearers 2024/2025
Lyndon Miles
Vice President/WACSSO Rep: Sharon Cowley
Secretary: Alana Stannard
Treasurer: Shelley Rowlands
Executive Committee: Lyndon Miles, Sharon Cowley, Alana Stannard, Warwick Howard, Shelley Rowlands, Gemma Kaptein, Dale Huntington
School Board Representative: Helen Riley

Sub Committees

The P&C is made up of several subcommittees which each focus on specific P&C business, activities and interests including:

  • Canteen Committee: Lexie Jennings, Gemma Kaptein. More members required.
  • Fundraising: Sharon Cowley, Eimear O’Brien, Oyukha Johnson
  • The Vasse Fathering Project Chamiel Walker, Joe Davis, Craig Johnson – more members needed.
  • Vasse Art Award Committee: Kylie Callow, Eimear O’Brien, Alana Stannard. More members needed.

P&C payments can be made via direct credit

Acct Name: VPS P&C Assoc Inc
BSB: 633-000
Acct Number: 167-610-567
Ref: Family Surname

Contact Us

For more information please contact:
[email protected]
[email protected].edu.au

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