Financial support from parents plays an important role in providing resources that extend learning opportunities and experiences for all students attending Vasse Primary School. The continuing partnership between parents and schools is vital, ensuring that all students receive a level of education that enables them to succeed in today’s society. It is crucial to our school that we maintain a high level of support for our school.

Vasse Primary School Board has endorsed the schedule of Contributions and Charges for 2025 and the attached Personal Items list under section 108 of the School Education Act 1999. Personal items such as stationery may need replenishment throughout the year.
Vasse Primary School offers other services that incur costs but are not directly related to the school’s core business such as uniforms, school photos, book club, and charitable collections (free dress days, etc.). These costs have not been added to our schedule.
Payment methods accepted;
- Direct deposit—details below. Please allow a 2-day processing period.
- In Person by EFTPOS (during the school term Mon-Fri 8:30am – 3:30pm)
- Telephone credit card payment by phoning (08) 9746 3700
- CompassPay
Direct deposit payments to: Vasse Primary School
BSB: 633-000 • Account No: 182-526-996
Reference: Student Surname First Initial (Very Important) example: Smith A
Refund Policy
Refunds will be completed in accordance with the Department of Education’s Policy. All refund payments are made via EFT, and refunds of less than $10 will be credited to the student’s account and used to offset other costs directed by parents.
The School Board has endorsed a `No Refund” policy for payments, including deposits for camp, excursions, and other optional activities, where costs are not recoverable by the school. However, a refund may be approved under extenuating circumstances.
We appreciate your ongoing financial support with the payment of Contributions and Charges as they will make a significant difference to the quality of education we can provide for your child/children.