Wow what another fantastic Faction Sports day! The bright weather brought out the best in everyone, with fun being had by all kids, happily competing and showing great sportsmanship. Plus the amazing support from parents and carers!
Thank you to everyone, especially Grant Adams who coordinated the event, Brigitta Pollard who MC’d the event, Simon Mansfield who collated all the results, DJ Lauren Smith for the timeless tunes, our staff adjudicating team on the track, the P&C and canteen ladies who kept us fed, our cleaning crew who always do an amazing job, our parents/carers, past students and of course our 2020 students who helped make this day a success with supportive and excited atmosphere ensuring yet another positive school community event.
Now for the results.

1st Place – 1072 points – Djidong
2nd Place – 845 points – Koomal
3rd Place – 813 points – Bardinar
4th Place – 780 points – Kwooyar
Congratulations to everyone of our students for their athleticism and exemplary team spirit.
And congratulations to the following students for their outstanding effort on the day.

Year 1
1st – Rachel N, Zac T
2nd – Jali B, Sennen C, Samuel F, Luka H, Larnie R
Year 2
1st – Harry L, Chelsea W
2nd – Harley A, Ben B, Evie C
Year 3
1st – Luka L, Bodhi O’D, Hayley T
2nd – Ayla Mc, Jye M
Year 4
1st – Lewis T, Seiarna W
2nd – Noah K, Amber W
Year 5
1st – Taj B, Aiesha O’D
2nd – Violet A, Eden O, Oscar R, Matilda T
Year 6
1st – Max L, Annabelle P
2nd – Brodie Q, Kiani W
See more photos from this great day in the Gallery.