School - Early Childhood

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Assembly (PP-Yr2)

We will be holding a Junior assembly in the Hive (under cover area). Parents are welcome to attend.

Kindy 2023 Transition Program Meeting #2

Kindy Orientation for Parents and Kindy 2023 students. 30mins - Parent & Student Attends 60mins - Students only Session 1: 9am - 10:30am (16A & 17A) Session 2: 11am - [...]

Kindy 2023 Transition Program Meeting #3

Kindy Transition Program for Kindy 2023 students. 60mins - Students only Session 1: 9am-10am (16A & 17A) Session 2: 10:30am -11:30am (16B & 17B)

PP – Year 2 Award Presentation Assembly

We look forward to seeing Parent/Carer's for this Special assembly in the Quad (weather permitting) or the Hive. 2022 Book Award Presentation Assembly Acknowledgement to Country National Anthem Pre Primary [...]

Waterslide Week begins

Dear Parents/Guardians As part of the Vasse Primary Physical Education program all students will be participating in the Waterslide ‘Fun’ event to complete the year. Below is the information you [...]

Constable Care incursion at Vasse PS

Constable Care will be at Vasse PS for a day of fun, educational and engaging puppet shows for our PP - Year 2 kids. Our puppet shows and live interactive [...]

Excursion: PP Sunflower Farm

This term in Science we have been learning about living things (plants & animals) and what they need to survive. This excursion will give students a real life experience of [...]

Excursion: PP Sunflower Farm

This term in Science we have been learning about living things (plants & animals) and what they need to survive. This excursion will give students a real life experience of [...]