Kindy B Attending
T2 Week 1
T2 Week 1
Find out everything you need to know about Outside School Hours Care at Vasse Primary School. Come and meet the team at your service and find out about the programs, [...]
April 22 is Earth Day and we celebrate our remarkable planet on this extraordinary day. Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future.
T2 Week 2
This excursion has been planned to supplement the following work being completed in your child's classroom and/or is part of their education program. The purpose of this excursion is to [...]
ANZAC Day is a day of remembrance. At dawn on 25th April 1915 a contingent of Australian and New Zealand Soldiers (ANZAC) landed on Turkey’s Gallipoli Peninsula. In December 1915, [...]
The Vasse PS ANZAC Assembly will be held on the netball courts this year. All students, please wear your school jacket and black and white polo shirt uniform to assembly. [...]
Please join us for the Vasse PS P&C Annual General Meeting @ 6pm in the Staffroom. No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C [...]
T2 Week 3
This excursion has been planned to supplement the following work being completed in your child's classroom and/or is part of their education program. The purpose of this excursion is to [...]