Kindy 2023 Transition Program Meeting #3
Kindy Transition Program for Kindy 2023 students. 60mins - Students only Session 1: 9am-10am (16A & 17A) Session 2: 10:30am -11:30am (16B & 17B)
Kindy Transition Program for Kindy 2023 students. 60mins - Students only Session 1: 9am-10am (16A & 17A) Session 2: 10:30am -11:30am (16B & 17B)
We look forward to seeing Parent/Carer's for this Special assembly in the Quad (weather permitting) or the Hive. 2022 Book Award Presentation Assembly Acknowledgement to Country National Anthem Pre Primary [...]
We look forward to seeing Parent/Carer's for this Special assembly in the Quad (weather permitting) or the Hive. 2022 Book Award Presentation Assembly Acknowledgement to Country National Anthem Year 3 [...]
On behalf of the VPS School Board I would like to welcome you all to join us for our final school board meeting for 2022. At this meeting we’ll review feedback from the recent parent survey, present updates on infrastructure projects around the school and discuss the 2023 school structure and proposed budget. If you [...]
Dear Parents/Guardians As part of the Vasse Primary Physical Education program all students will be participating in the Waterslide ‘Fun’ event to complete the year. Below is the information you [...]
The Year 6 Graduation is a major annual event, celebrating our students journey's end at Vasse Primary School as they move onto High School. 6pm - 7:30pm Graduation Ceremony 7:30am - 9pm Graduation Dance A fitting celebration for all our Year 6's to wish them all the very best for their future.
Check your inbox for the link to download your child's school reports. If you do not receive please contact the front office 9746 3700.
8:55am • Netball Courts (behind Heritage Room). Parents welcome. DOJO Mega Draw.