Musica Viva – Timmy & the Breakfast Band

Musica Viva - Timmy &Amp; The Breakfast Band 1

Timmy and the Breakfast Band came to school on August 28th.  The kids were familiar with lots of their content, having previewed it in music – and thoroughly enjoyed the final concert. They consisted of three amazing musicians (one of them a talented circus performer as well) and provided us with lots of ooh’s and ahhh’s and laughs. 

Ask your kids how Timmy put his shirt on each morning 😊 

Karen Bigwood
Music Specialist

Musica Viva - Timmy &Amp; The Breakfast Band 2
Musica Viva - Timmy &Amp; The Breakfast Band 3
Musica Viva - Timmy &Amp; The Breakfast Band 4