Planes, Plaits & Pizza
Dad, bring the kids (Kindy – Yr6)
The Vasse Fathering Project is hosting an evening of Plane Flying fun and laughter. Learn to Plait or pony tail with Cinco Hair vasse experts. Prizes to WIN WIN WIN and Pizza to eat!
This will be an outdoor event to keep in line with Covid restrictions.
Plane Flying Comp
Will your cardfboard or paper plane fly the furthest?
Age Groups: Kindy & PP, Years 1-2, Years 3-4, Years 5-6
The Planes
- Pre-made Planes Yes make the plane at home (take the week) and bring it along, let your imagination run wild on size and design.
- Planes made at the event – recycled paper and some cardboard supplied, however you can bring your own.
The planes that fly the furthest in each age group and for the best looking plane. Prizes include flying drones!
The lovely hair stylists from Cinco Hair in Vasse are coming along to demonstrate how to make ponytails, pigtails and perhaps even Princess Leia Buns….!
Bring your own hair brushes, bands and accessories.
Prize for the best plaits up for grabs, so bring your skills to see who the best dad hairstylist is at Vasse Primary.
And PIZZA… All this for only $5 per person
Book Now – the event is next Friday 25 February from 5-7pm on the Vasse PS Basketball Courts.
Bookings Close 12pm 25 Feb. Don’t miss out!