The benefit of Roses in the Kitchen Garden


The Benefit Of Roses In The Kitchen Garden 1On Friday 14 August 2020 A climbing rose “Pierre de Ronsard” was planted in our Wicked Patch Kitchen Garden by Lady Clark and Mr. Ian Parmenter (Ambassador of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program).

Apart from looking beautiful and smelling amazing, roses also;

  • Attract beneficial insects such as bees and ladybugs
  • Once established a rose is drought tolerant
  • Roses love the heat and sunshine and will help improve the micro-climate of the garden by providing shade in summer and protection by absorbing some of the radiating heat that comes off the bitumen.
  • Deciduous (shady in summer, lets the sun in, in winter)
  • When grown organically (as our Wicked Patch one will be!) can be used in the kitchen for cake decorating, ice cubes & jellies.
  • Roses make good companion plants alongside garlic, onions, chives & strawberries
  • The varieties we are planting in our Kitchen Garden have been chosen for their health, vigour and for being very low thorns.

Emma Walker – WPKG Facilitator

The Benefit Of Roses In The Kitchen Garden 2