2023 Graduation Ceremony & Dance

2023 Graduation Ceremony &Amp; Dance 1

On a chilly evening last Friday, 8th December, we celebrated 99 Year 6 students, many of whom have been at Vasse PS since Kindy, as they graduated at an official ceremony, in front of family and friends, local dignitaries and guest presenters.

Parents and invited guests filled the Quad in anticipation of the arrival of the Year 6 students.

Deputy Principal Beth Foster opened the ceremony and invited the audience to welcome our latest graduates, as they strolled over to the stage seating for the last time. They walked with pride, dressed to impress, befitting this Year 6 cohort ready to start the next phase of their life in high school next year.

Congratulations to our 2023 Students Councillors; Angus, Hayley, Jack, and Leila who hosted the formal proceedings with humour and confidence.

Congratulations to all our Award Recipients and all our Year 6 Graduates – you have made us all very proud at Vasse PS and we wish all the very best in your journey to adulthood.

Inquiry Awards: Nicholas L, Eva K, Leila M and Jada B
Sponsored by Callows Office Choice.
Presented by Mr. & Mrs. Ted Callow and the Year 6 Teachers.

Visual Art Award: Nina C
Sponsored by the office of Ms. Libby Mettam MLA.
Presented by the Mr. Barry House AM and Mrs. Jane McKimm, Art Specialist.

Performing Arts Award: Bonnii E
Sponsored by the office of The Honourable Jackie Jarvis MLC.
Presented by the Cr. Anne Ryan and Mrs Karen Bigwood, Music Specialist.

Music Award: Savannah T
Sponsored by the City of Busselton.
Presented by the Cr. Anne Ryan and Mrs Karen Bigwood, Music Specialist.

Science Awards: Angus M, Oliver L
Sponsored by the Vasse & District Community Centre.
Presented by Mrs. Joan Raitt, Mrs. Janine Shaw and Ms. Ruth Mackenzie.

ICT (Information & Communications Technology) Award: Ruby W
Sponsored by the office of the Honourable Nola Marino MP.
Presented by the Honourable Nola Marino MP and Miss Zoe Braybrooke.

LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Award: Amy K
Sponsored by the office of the Honourable Dr. Steven Thomas MLC.
Presented by the Honourable Nola Marino MP, Ibu Jodie Tucker and Ibu Lauren Jones.

Health & Wellbeing Award: Caitlyn B
Sponsored by Brain Spice, Bunbury.
Presented by Miss Ava Adair and Mrs. Tiffany Adair, Health & Wellbeing Specialist.

Sports Person Awards: Archer B, Hayley T
Presented by Mr. Ron Mildenhall, Mrs. Nadia Farmer and Mr. Will Norris, Physical Education Specialists.

Naturaliste Masonic Lodge Outstanding Progress Scholarship Award: Callum P
Sponsored by Naturaliste Masonic Lodge.
Presented by Mr. Howard Bunt and Mrs. Janine Shaw.

Lions Club of Busselton Consistent Achievement Scholarships Awards: Nina C, Jasper H
Sponsored by the Lions Club of Busselton.
Presented by Mrs. Anne Merton, Miss Zoe Braybrooke and Mrs. Rebecca Wisewould.

The Cape Naturaliste College Scholarship Awards: Ben P, Chloe R
Sponsored by Cape Naturaliste College and Vasse Primary School.
Presented by Mrs. Melanie Ryan, Mrs. Janine Shaw and Miss Zoe Braybrooke.

Citizenship Awards: Hannah G, George Reiger
Sponsored by the Vasse Estate.
Presented by Mr. Simon Mansfield, Mrs. Janine Shaw and Ms. Ruth Mackenzie.

Dux Award: Michael M
Sponsored by Vasse Primary School P&C Assoc. Inc.
Presented by Mr. Lyndon Miles, P&C President and Mrs. Amy Sefton

Thank you to:
Sponsors and Presenters for your continued support, generous contributions and attendance at our 2023 Graduation Ceremony.
• Former Students Ava Adair and Oscar Christensen for their humorous account of what to expect at high school.
And thank you to the Year 6 parents who transformed the Hive into a bright and colourful Mexican celebration for the Graduation Dance. Each year the effort put in by the school community is amazing.