2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge is on now.

2024 Premier'S Reading Challenge Is On Now. 1

The Premier’s Reading Challenge 2024 commenced on Monday 6th May. 

Students are encouraged to read 12 books (or more) before 6th September. Every time that they log a book, they will go into a weekly draw to win lots of great prizes. Students will be given a special bookmark on their library visit with instructions on how to sign up or visit https://www.premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au/

2024 Premier'S Reading Challenge Is On Now. 2

Well done to the 127 students who have signed up for the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
The school with the most students registered relative to their size before 31 May will go into a draw to win an assembly presentation of the Dewey Experience at their school! We can do it Vasse!
Click here to Meet Dewey Dex, our challenge buddy from a galaxy far away.
Remember Mrs Walker can help you log your books at school at recess in the library. We don’t need your login details or passwords to do this.

Mrs. Walker – Library Officer

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