Blueback Spare Parts Puppets Incursion

Blueback Spare Parts Puppets Incursion 1

On Tuesday 1 August, our Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 children were treated to an extraordinary performance of puppetry and storytelling from the Spare Parts Puppet Theatre Company.

Students have been reading the novel Blueback by Tim Winton and so knew the story of Abel and his lifelong friendship with a giant Blue Groper. The puppetry really brought the story to life.  It was mesmerizing and many times the children were COMPLETELY quiet.  It was quite amazing.

The show had them giggling at the persistent real estate agent and then awed and silent at the sea creatures and the dear mother puppet. The actors behind the puppets were incredible – so professional. One teacher commented that you forgot that there was a human behind the movement and actions of the puppets.

Ask your children about the real estate agent and the mum’s reactions to him. Or how the puppeteers portrayed Abel and his playfulness with the Groper. It was a very special show.

Karen Bigwood – Incursion Coordinator